Friday, August 7, 2009

Finally! The Watermelon Eating Competition!

For the second year in a row, the watermelon eating competition was the biggest hit of the party. I mean, who couldn't be totally enthralled with the participants, their outfits, their watermelon eating skills and the watermelon stuffed in all crevices of their mouths until it oozed, sprayed, splattered, and spit out of their mouths?

Here are the beginners...the kids under 7 years old.

And the winner is...Aiden! (but don't tell the other kids...they all thought they won)

They must train that boy at home.

Wow. He's a good watermelon eater.

Now for the kids over 7. Pretty good for a bunch of miniature Future Homeowners, right? (your mom will be so proud, Joshua)

And for the Grand Finale, the adults.

And for the 2nd year in a row, the winners are...Chris and Brian.

You're disgusting Chris...and you too, Brian. Brothers. Your mother must be so proud.